2025 – Can’t wait to get back on the water.
I managed two big trips last year. The first was with James to the Nuchatlitz, launching out of Little Espinosa for a great four-night adventure. James introduced me to some excellent new food ideas, and I provided the wind at our backs every day we were on the water—which never happens!
My second trip was with Chris, an ambitious journey around Cape Scott from Port Hardy to Coal Harbour. We completed the trip in eleven days, making for an unforgettable experience.
My solo trips continue to be invaluable, offering the challenge of solitude and the opportunity for personal reflection. If you’ve ever considered a solo trip, I highly recommend it—it takes courage, but it’s worth it. Let me know if you need help planning one!
Meister Eckhart said, “God is unnameable and (therefore) Omni-nameable,” and so Meister Eckhart prays, I pray (to the unnameable) God to rid me of (the idol I have named) God.”
Chasing the unnameable God is the joy of my life.
My writing this year has re-imagined church. I have explored the failure of the gods of Pure Reason and Science. I have written about embracing the unknown as an alternative to certainty and how the flames of the imagination can bring much-needed novelty into a hurting world.
For the remainder of this year, I will finish a series of articles exploring our presuppositions of “loss” and how an alternative supposition of “lack” can be a game changer in understanding ourselves, others, and God.
I have been a hockey player, pastor, and entrepreneur. I love life, the outdoors, and listening to people's stories. I have been married forty years to my wife, Kelly. Together, we have raised four boys. We now have two beautiful daughters-in-law and three grandsons.
I have always carried questions about life and death and what is on the other side of the stars. I have discovered that I will need more lifetimes to read and study the information now available at our fingertips. My curiosity has led me to study theology and philosophy and, narrowly, the theology of the mystics, continental philosophy, and some psychanalytical thought. All writing has a bias – mine is no different. We all have a unique lens to see and understand the world, so welcome to my world.
My overall theme might be obscure, but I am exploring what is behind or what is common in all ideologies. What is one thing we can agree on? Is there a way to move forward in all the chaos we are experiencing?
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